
Every single child is recognised, respected and valued.

The early years in a child’s life are an extremely intensive time for learning and can have a major impact on later life as a future adult, parent and member of society.

child Kindergarten
  • We offer a safe, clean and healthy environment and ensure the well-being of the children. Each child should feel respected and safe and be able to build trust in their caregivers and group.
  • It is important to us to support all areas of development by providing stimulating activities which encourage a wide range of discovery and learning.
  • With us, the children have the opportunity to gain experiences that specifically strengthen them in their independence, self-confidence, responsibility and decision-making abilities.
  • We value mutual respect, appreciation, consideration and awareness for life and the environment in a NON-discriminative and NON-denominational atmosphere where every child is treated equally regardless of colour, race and religion.
  • Both the German and English languages are equivalent and are taught to children in all subjects and everyday situations.
  • In cooperation with the parents, we prepare the child to “spread their wings” and go into the public schools or other private/international schools.
Team & Communication & Education

Information and a good flow of communication between parents and caregivers

Daycare Center Team Wings School

The team photo shows a small part of our team. We are a large team of about 30 employees.

In the interest of the child it is important for a good cooperation between the parents and teachers. Both are essential and therefore we maintain a regular exchange of information.

  • Information boards in the Daycare and Kindergarten.
  • The parents in the Daycare receive a daily exchange of written and oral information at drop-off and pick-up times from the caregiver on their child’s progress throughout the day.
  • The parents of the Kindergarten children are informed about the daily routine and activities with the class information board.
  • Parents receive a yearly newsletter with important information from the Wings School.
  • For every new topic in the Kindergarten the parents will receive a newsletter with information about the planned activities.

Once a year parent-teacher meetings take place. During the meeting the development of the child is discussed and the parents are informed of how the teachers experience the child as an individual and in social situations. Likewise, encourage conversation from the parents perspective on how they perceive their child and if they have any important information to share.

The school has a relationship with larger companies, which reserve fixed places for the children of their employees.

We stay informed about research on educational developments in and out of Switzerland. This enables us to stay up to date with changing educational issues.

What we give the children will determine their lives and make them socially acceptable people. Children thrive most when they are stimulated not only mentally but physically and creatively. They need caregivers who listen to them, show them mutual respect and support them with love and clear boundaries to grow as individuals. The children should be able to learn that making mistakes is normal and that one can learn from them. They should also be encouraged to question their own behaviour.

We support and treat each child as an individual according to their level and speed of development.

Class and group allocations are based on the group constellation. Mixed age groups or classes offer the child the opportunity to sense their own boundaries and achieved their potential. Variety and diversity promote social skills.

Verschiedene Unterrichtsmethoden, die alle Sinne und alle Sozialformen berücksichtigen, werden den unterschiedli­chen Lernkanälen der Kinder gerecht.

In the Daycare there is a selection of German and English speaking staff. The Kindergarten classes are alternated and taught in English or German e.g. 45 minutes English and 45 minutes German. This means there is always one clear language per activity. These activities and the languages are equally planned throughout the day.

Safety & Cleanliness

Safety & cleanliness is just as important to us as the well-being of the children.

The building contains all the necessary fire safety equipment, such as fire extinguishers and an emergency plan etc. An evacuation plan is in place and all teachers and members of staff are trained to act accordingly. In addition to this, fire drill exercises take place twice throughout the year with the staff and children.

girl daycare

Cleanliness and safety is the most important aspect of any school. This minimizes health hazards. In order to enable this:

  • First aid boxes are available for both Daycare and Kindergarten.
  • Each staff member must have completed a first aid course.
  • In case of emergency, children are brought to the closest hospital (Triemli).
  • The rooms are cleaned daily at the end of the school day.
  • Nappies are provided by the Daycare for all children.
  • With regards to dental hygiene, individual toothbrushes, as well as tooth paste are provided for each child. The tooth brushes are replaced regularly.
  • All food items are stored in appropriate places and it is ensured that they are fresh and within their sell-by date.
  • Our kitchen is regularly assessed by a health inspector, and the guidelines for hygiene are carefully followed.
  • All dangerous items such as medicine, cleaning equipment etc. are kept locked and out of the reach of children.
  • Only the parents are allowed to pick up a child, unless the parents themselves have given permission.
  • All children are required to fill out a medical form. This will ensure that the school is aware of any information such as allergies or any medical conditions.
  • Children with fever or any other contagious illness must remain home until they have recovered.
  • The parents must supply at least one telephone number at which they are reachable at all times.
  • Our badge system allows you to enter the school.
Daycare school Wings School

Our school is located in the heart of Zürich Binz and is easily accessible by public transport.


Eichstrasse 29, 8045 Zürich
2 floors, approx. 1200 m2, 3 Meter high rooms.

Opening Hours

The Daycare / Kindergarten operates from 7:30-18:30 throughout the year.

Vacation is as follows:

  • One week over Christmas
  • One week in Summer (either the last week in july or first week of August)
  • All national holidays
  • Two afternoons for team building
  • Closed on Sechsileuten but open all day on Knabenschiessen
Enrollment & Fees

Our enrollment procedure for our school and the fees for the care

For new sign-ups, a meeting with the parents is arranged where they will be informed of all the pertinent details and get answersto any questions.

An application form is completed. Once the school contract has been signed and the registration fee has been paid, the child is then enrolled to attend. Once a space becomes available, the parents are contacted and offered a place.

If a child is leaving the school, a three month notice has to be given.

Child Kindergarten

Registration fee

The fees are to be paid at the beginning of the month.

Registration fee (one time-, non-refundable) CHF 1000.–
(CHF 500.– for Kids Club)

Monthly school fee

Day care / Kindergarten

5 full days 2600.– CHF
4 full days 2080.– CHF
3 full days 1560.– CHF
2 full days 1040.– CHF
1 full day (only possible on Fridays) 520.– CHF

We offer subsidized places in the city of Zurich. The application for subsidized places must be submitted to the School and Sports Department.

Online Registration

Kids Club

5 Afternoons (incl. Lunch) 1300.– CHF
4 Afternoons (incl. Lunch) 1040.– CHF
3 Afternoons (incl. Lunch) 780.– CHF
2 Afternoons (incl. Lunch) 520.– CHF
1 Afternoon (incl. Lunch) 260.- CHF

Online Registration

Holiday Club

per day 130.– CHF

Online Registration


Our staff has long hours as it is therefore we expect parents to respect the start and finish times. Late pick-up will be fined as follows:

up to 30 minutes 50.– CHF
30 – 60 minutes 100.– CHF

 Additional offers

Ballet weekly 340.– CHF per semester
Kung Fu (Martial Arts) weekly 360.– CHF per semester
Yoga 320.– CHF per semester

These events take place based to demand. The resulting costs will be charged separately.